
Check out our class schedules below

Summer Timetable

For these classes listed below you do not have to book them just show up and take part. Some classes are busier than other and we do cap them at 16 people.

Swimming Lessons

Our swimming lesson will be available to book on the 20/05/2024 for everyone. This link will be sent via text and email.

You must be a member to book these lessons

Please note this will be a 4 week course for €20. This is the last course before we break for the summer.

We are back for 8 week courses in September.


New timetable for the 121 Swim Lessons

121 Lessons will be available to book on the 10th of June @ 10 am.

They will be 4 week blocks for €100

Instructors will be available midweek as well as weekends.

Classes Description



A class focused on endurance and strength. You will be working hard for 45 mins at different levels.

Adult Swim

Adult Swim
Adult Swim

Want to learn how to swim these classes are perfect. There are beginner and improver classes to suit all levels.



This is 45 min class where you work on the core and strenghten your abdominal muscles. You work on balance and finding your own body.



Yoga is a meditating form of exercise. Marie will guide you through poses that will increase your flexibilty and mobility.

AB Blast

home workout 2

A morning class to start the day. It is a high intensity class for 45 mins with a mixture of weights and cardio.

Aqua Aerobics

Aqua Aerobics

Aqua Aerobics is a water based exercise class. It is helps increase mobility and is great form of exercise for people who have suffered injury or are pregnant.

HIIT STEP/ Step & Tone


This is a routine based on up beat and catchy music. You are up and down on a step for the class getting a cardio based workout in.

Push Pull Lift/ Barbell strength


This is a weight based class done with barbells, dumbells or a kettlebell. It is great for anyone who enjoys lifting weights or is looking to start lifting.



This is a dance based class that will keep you moving for 45 minutes. You get a great cardio workout in while listening to up beat songs.



This is a weight based exercise focusing on just using a kettlebell. It is perfect for people just getting started in lifting weights. You get a full body workout in 45 mins.